Friday, October 3, 2014

Fall is in the air

Well, summer was wonderful, but it is over. The leaves on the trees here in south central Pennsylvania have started to turn beautiful colors of red, orange and brown. I have been putting the garden to bed, pulling up the spent tomato plants, mulching other plants to help them over winter and planting cool weather crops. We had a wonderful harvest of egg plant, butternut squash, tomatoes, zucchini, crookneck, okra, raspberries and strawberries, to name a few of the delicious vegetables we had. Today I even ate a Paw Paw fruit from our tree. It tasted like sweet banana custard, delicious! I have also been riding my mountain bike as much as I can. My friends and I had great fun riding in a nearby state park as well as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Both are beautiful places to ride with great trails.

Things have been busy musically as well. One of the best accomplishments over this summer was finishing the complete transcription of the new CD, "Coming Home". The book is a very close note for note transcription (as close as I can get it), and the graphics are sharp and wonderful, thanks to my lovely wife, Linda. It is now available on the website I am still composing songs for the next CD, and have about 6 songs done. I think this time I will record them in groups of 3 or 4 songs, rather then wait to do the whole CD at once. Recording 12 to 14 songs over 3 or 4 days can be taxing on the ol' memory banks, so I may try it this new way. That is the advantage of recording on my own piano in my own studio rather than having to rent studio time.

I still have plans to travel with Michael Dulin to Birmingham and the surrounding area this December for a brief concert tour, and we are putting the finishing touches on the Pacific Northwest tour in April 2015. I will also be at a music conference in Anaheim, California in late January. If anyone in the area would like to host a house concert or knows of an intimate performance venue, please contact me. This will be January 23rd, 24th and 25th.

Lastly, we are going to offer a private "special" sale on one item per month. This offer is only for the people who receive this email. This month it will be the Christmas Song Book and CD (yes, it is coming and it is time to start practicing). Click the following link to get to the sale page on the website (you have to use this link, it is not available from the home page of the website): "Special Sale".

Thank you all for your support, it helps me make more music!

Greg Maroney