Well, there is a lot going on with my music! Despite the distraction of the beautiful weather outside, I have been busy taking my music in a new direction. One that has been a long time coming. Now that I think back, it really has been headed in this direction for quite some time, but now I have the proper tools and time to really start composing to my hearts inner voice. I will explain....
I recently was able to purchase a newly rebuilt Steinway D piano from Pianoworks in Atlanta (a 9 concert grand). It is the most beautiful piano I have ever played, very deep resonate bass, mellow tenor and a singing treble. It is very inspiring to play, I almost feel like I need to learn how to play the piano all over again! This piano, coupled with two Earthworks microphones, produces a wonderful recording. My compositions have also changed. Rather then compose structured songs, I have been improvising longer, quieter, songs with an emphasis on beauty and serenity. I already have about 15 songs recorded and mastered, and I am listening to them as I write this letter. The piano just sings, yet lets you go "Ahhh" and relax. My plan is to release a series of these songs over several CDs. If anyone would like a sample of the new material, email me and I would be glad to send you a song.
Now, on to concerts. I will be playing in an Enlightened Piano Radio awards concert at Carnegie Hall on October 24th at 1 pm. My album "Coming Home" is up for best album of the year for this radio station, and I have been invited to perform in the concert. I am looking forward to playing at Carnegie Hall! What a treat. The day after, Sunday October 25th, Michael Dulin and I will host a house concert here at my home outside of Dover, Pennsylvania. Reservations are required and I will give directions on confirmation of your reservation. Seating is limited, as this is just our home. You will be able to hear the new Steinway.
I am working on the sheet music for the CD "Lake Song" and have 2 pieces done, working on the third. My goal is to transcribe all the songs and make a spiral bound book to match the rest of the song books. The individual songs are available right after I finish them, but the song book itself probably will not be available until spring.
That about wraps it up for now, and as always, thanks so much for your support of my music!
Greg Maroney