Saturday, February 25, 2012

from the top

A blog. Never saw this one coming. It seemed the next logical step though when I realized that I get asked the same questions over again from people in emails. Or when I want to share some aspect of my music with just about anyone who will listen.  So before I start waxing poetic, (never really understood that phrase), a little background may be helpful. I play piano. I work piano, I live piano, I breathe piano. Really that should read music because it wasn’t always the piano. I began on the piano when I was 5 but since then there have been phases where I wandered away from it.  Certainly other instruments spoke to me, but in all honesty, sometimes a piano was just too big. (a statement my wife thought I would never say). 
It’s been a long time since I was 5 and my life always included music in some form. Then, 20 odd years ago, (and some of them have been odd indeed) I met my wife who loved that part of me and encouraged it. Now instead of just including music, my life is filled with it. I have a soundtrack. Every aspect of my life can be heard in my music and music colors every aspect of my life. Not a bad life.

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